Flagstaff, AZ -->
Kingman, AZ
We didn't travel particularly far on Day 4, but we got to see so much!
We started our day by heading up to the Grand Canyon. I was amazed how much snow was on the ground. It makes sense considering how cold it was out. Also, we were amazed at how beautiful Flagstaff and the area was. It looked more like Colorado than what you picture Arizona like.

After driving for 30-45 minutes we made it to the Grand Canyon. It was truly one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! Pictures don't do it justice. It was huge! One of the most shocking things was how there were steep drop off with no railings!! (they do have some railings, they just don't cover every side) I am not a fan of heights so the canyon really freaked me out. The three of us got out once to take a family picture, and after that Lily was confined to the car. It made me too nervous to have her out. David and I would take turns getting out at the stops to take pictures and film.

Here is our family picture. I am SO happy we have this. I love it! It is going to be framed in the house.

Here is the river going through it....looks so small from way up high!

When we were at the last stop at the canyon it started snowing!! I thought it was so crazy to be snowing at the end of March in the desert! But it was very cold outside, and we were very high up!

After we left the Grand Canyon we headed to a wildlife drive-
thru park called
Bearizona! We hadn't planned to stop here, but after seeing billboards along the way, we thought it would be a fun detour.

Gracie was thoroughly freaked out by the animals...she growled at many of them. My favorite was her growling at the black bears - not her smartest moment!




White Bison

It was beautiful there

Black bear!

Lily giving a sic ' em to the bear

The smallest little bear. He was born early that's why he was so small.

Lily playing in some snow. She liked to
smoosh it.

Posing with the bear!

She realized his tongue was out, so she stuck
hers out.

Posing with momma!
I'm so happy we got to see everything we did. It was a really fun day, but I do have to admit, I was glad there was only one more day of driving.
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