
Monday, August 13, 2012

1 Month Old

Here's Caroline's 1-month pictures!

She's not very happy about being 1-month

crazy long girl

finally happy

little feet
growing too fast
At a month old she is 22.75" which is the 94%, and she was 9.7 lbs. which is the 54%.  She is definitely our fussy baby.  She started having colic at about 2-3 weeks, and that made for a very unhappy momma and daddy.  Thankfully, she has slept through the night since we brought her home from the hospital, so at least we are rested :)


We also took David's parents to Paso for some wine tasting.  We took the girls with us, and thankfully they were pretty well behaved.  Here are some pictures of us at Pear Valley and Lily feeding fish at Bianci.

Lily's First Recital

Lily had her first dance recital on June 20th.  We were so proud of her, she did such a great job!!  Here are some pictures of her performance.

Here is Lily and her teacher, Miss Rachel

Her class, minus 1 girl

Posing for the camera

 So proud of my big girl!

 She loved the flowers we gave her!

Happy Father's Day

On Father's Day we took David's parents to see LA.  We went to most of the touristy spots, which they hadn't seen before.  Here is a picture of our new family of four at the Hollywood sign.

 After we went around LA, we headed to the beach for a little relaxing.  I love this picture of Lily and her best friend Daddy.

Here's David and both his girls!

Gracie's New Friends

When was my mom was out for the arrival of Baby C, she decided since she always gets Lily something fun, she needed to get something for her 4 legged grandpup.  So Gracie got 3 new friends!  We had given G 2 of them, and she wouldn't let either go out of her sight!  Here is a cute picture of her cuddled with her new toys.

Sweet Caroline!

Alright, as you can tell, having 2 kiddos hasn't left me with much time to keep up with my blog!  Now that it's been a few months, I'm hoping I can go back and update what's happened as well as keep up with the current happenings.

I can't believe it has been almost 3 months since Caroline was born!  It really has flown by.  I can't believe she's about to start hitting big milestones soon: sitting up, crawling, walking, talking!!  I'm really not ready for it.  As much as I want her to grow up so she can play with her big sis, I'm really sad how fast her baby stage is going by.

One thing I really wanted to do with Caroline was have newborn portraits taken.  One of my friend's sister-in-law takes pictures as a hobby/side job, so I set up a time for her to take some pictures.  We were sure to set up the time so that we would be in the 2 week window (where baby's sleep through pretty much anything).  Well, my kid missed the memo about being asleep!  She didn't want to miss anything.  Thankfully we were able to get one picture that day before she started screaming...and it just happens to be one of my favorites!

After trying to get pictures around 4 or 5 more times, including Victoria coming over to our house, we finally got her asleep and got to do pictures!!!  I'm so happy we finally got these.  I had really given up hope that my baby would ever fall asleep.  By the time we got these all I was hoping for were pictures of her not crying!  I'm so thankful I had such a wonderful, patient person taking pictures of my sweet baby.  If we had gone to a studio, there was no way we would have gotten any of these.