We had such a wonderful time! The flight to Chicago was wonderful, and Lily was perfect. She was content the entire time on the plane, and the woman in front of me even commented that she didn't know there was a baby behind her. Can't get any better than that! Everything went so smoothly that day...we got put to the front of security, we took off relatively quickly, we got our bags in 5 mins, the rental bus picked us up right away, and we got the rental car easily. Even the drive to Peshtigo was pretty smooth. We hit a bit of traffic and stopped a few times, but we made it there in good time.
That night we were invited to the rehearsal dinner. We had a fun night drinking and eating with such fun people. And you can't beat getting a large alcoholic drink for $3.00!! yay woo-woos! Then we headed back to the hotel room to hang out with our friends, the Enters, and we stayed up a bit later than we should have talking and playing with the kids.
Sunday we got up, went and got breakfast, and then headed back to go to the wedding. The wedding was so beautiful. Apart from Lily bumping her head on the pew and her screaming as I carried her out of the church, we had a wonderful time :) The reception was wonderful as well. Lily had a lot of fun running around and even doing a bit of dancing.
Monday morning we got up and headed to the gift opening party. We got to visit with everyone, and the kids got to go and play on the school's play ground. Lily's favorite part was the slide...the even started going down head first! Guess she's a bit of a dare-devil!
The rest of the day we hung out with the Learman's. We went out to dinner, and then we drove up to the UP of Michigan and went out to a light house on Lake Michigan. It was so beautiful, and a wonderful way to end our vacation.
The next morning we got up and drove back to Chicago for our flight. I wish I could say Lily was a good as she was on the way up, but she wasn't. She has been so off her schedule, and the flight was right during her nap time. She did fall asleep for a bit on the plane, but she was pretty fussy the rest of the flight. I know I wasn't the only one who was very happy to be home.
Below are some pictures from our trip. I can't believe all the places our little girl has been. She is quite the traveler!
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