Here is another video of Lily making herself dizzy. The best part of this one is where she sees the camera and smiles for me. She is so crazy!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lily has found a new, funny way to entertain herself....spinning in circle and making herself dizzy. The best part is that she says "Weee" the whole time. Thankfully I got this on video for everyone to enjoy.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
A Couple More Pictures
The Most Important Meal of the Day
A few weekends ago, David got himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Lily wanted a bite, and she really enjoyed it. Since she has gotten so good at eating with utensils, I figured lets give her some cereal and see how she does. I was so proud of her. She ate her rice crispies like such a big girl, and she didn't spill anything! Daddy did have to step in and teach her how to drink the milk from the bowl...needless to say, but now she is a bit messier with her food. This is the most proud I have seen her in a while. It is also very nice to have something else to feed her for breakfast.
Here is Lily enjoying her 1st bowl of cereal!
A Day Off With Daddy
On Monday we decided to go to the park with Lily. Since the weather had been a bit cooler, and since David had the day off, we thought it would be perfect! Lily had a blast. I thought she was going to enjoy sliding (especially since she has been trying to slide off everything at home), but she was more interested in the stairs. She has really started to enjoy climbing down stairs. Every night we have to go through the routine of Lily climbing half way up the stairs, only to turn around and go right back down. Oh least she is learning the correct way to go down the stairs.
She had lots of fun running around the playgrounds and even got a little swinging in. We even walked over to the ducks where Lily had fun chasing them around. Thankfully we were all worn out by the time the storm clouds came in. The rest of the day we spent relaxing at home. It was such a nice day.
Here are some pictures of Lily having fun at the park!
Girls' Weekend!
One of our family friends was getting married in Wisconsin. My mom, sister, and I decided we should go for a short little vacation. Our friend, Melissa, who is also friends with the bride, decided to go with us too. The wedding was on August 15th, so we decided to fly out Saturday, and head back home on Tuesday. We were so excited about the trip, we love getting to hang out with the Learman family! We planned to fly into Chicago and then drive to Peshtigo, since all the flights that went into Milwaukee had stops and we would have been flying all day long.
We had such a wonderful time! The flight to Chicago was wonderful, and Lily was perfect. She was content the entire time on the plane, and the woman in front of me even commented that she didn't know there was a baby behind her. Can't get any better than that! Everything went so smoothly that day...we got put to the front of security, we took off relatively quickly, we got our bags in 5 mins, the rental bus picked us up right away, and we got the rental car easily. Even the drive to Peshtigo was pretty smooth. We hit a bit of traffic and stopped a few times, but we made it there in good time.
That night we were invited to the rehearsal dinner. We had a fun night drinking and eating with such fun people. And you can't beat getting a large alcoholic drink for $3.00!! yay woo-woos! Then we headed back to the hotel room to hang out with our friends, the Enters, and we stayed up a bit later than we should have talking and playing with the kids.
Sunday we got up, went and got breakfast, and then headed back to go to the wedding. The wedding was so beautiful. Apart from Lily bumping her head on the pew and her screaming as I carried her out of the church, we had a wonderful time :) The reception was wonderful as well. Lily had a lot of fun running around and even doing a bit of dancing.
Monday morning we got up and headed to the gift opening party. We got to visit with everyone, and the kids got to go and play on the school's play ground. Lily's favorite part was the slide...the even started going down head first! Guess she's a bit of a dare-devil!
The rest of the day we hung out with the Learman's. We went out to dinner, and then we drove up to the UP of Michigan and went out to a light house on Lake Michigan. It was so beautiful, and a wonderful way to end our vacation.
The next morning we got up and drove back to Chicago for our flight. I wish I could say Lily was a good as she was on the way up, but she wasn't. She has been so off her schedule, and the flight was right during her nap time. She did fall asleep for a bit on the plane, but she was pretty fussy the rest of the flight. I know I wasn't the only one who was very happy to be home.
Below are some pictures from our trip. I can't believe all the places our little girl has been. She is quite the traveler!
first taste of ketchup--she liked to dip the fries in it...
We had such a wonderful time! The flight to Chicago was wonderful, and Lily was perfect. She was content the entire time on the plane, and the woman in front of me even commented that she didn't know there was a baby behind her. Can't get any better than that! Everything went so smoothly that day...we got put to the front of security, we took off relatively quickly, we got our bags in 5 mins, the rental bus picked us up right away, and we got the rental car easily. Even the drive to Peshtigo was pretty smooth. We hit a bit of traffic and stopped a few times, but we made it there in good time.
That night we were invited to the rehearsal dinner. We had a fun night drinking and eating with such fun people. And you can't beat getting a large alcoholic drink for $3.00!! yay woo-woos! Then we headed back to the hotel room to hang out with our friends, the Enters, and we stayed up a bit later than we should have talking and playing with the kids.
Sunday we got up, went and got breakfast, and then headed back to go to the wedding. The wedding was so beautiful. Apart from Lily bumping her head on the pew and her screaming as I carried her out of the church, we had a wonderful time :) The reception was wonderful as well. Lily had a lot of fun running around and even doing a bit of dancing.
Monday morning we got up and headed to the gift opening party. We got to visit with everyone, and the kids got to go and play on the school's play ground. Lily's favorite part was the slide...the even started going down head first! Guess she's a bit of a dare-devil!
The rest of the day we hung out with the Learman's. We went out to dinner, and then we drove up to the UP of Michigan and went out to a light house on Lake Michigan. It was so beautiful, and a wonderful way to end our vacation.
The next morning we got up and drove back to Chicago for our flight. I wish I could say Lily was a good as she was on the way up, but she wasn't. She has been so off her schedule, and the flight was right during her nap time. She did fall asleep for a bit on the plane, but she was pretty fussy the rest of the flight. I know I wasn't the only one who was very happy to be home.
Below are some pictures from our trip. I can't believe all the places our little girl has been. She is quite the traveler!
Lily's New Obsession
Starting back in June, Lily has started getting obsessed with putting things on by herself. This first started with her putting on David's and my dad's shoes...the easiest to get on. She would be so proud of herself for getting them on, and then she would decide to walk around the house with them on. The following 2 pics are from Father's Day (I know...forever ago), but she had a good time dancing in her grandpy's shoes.

Then after church one day, she found my pumps I had worn earlier that morning. She decided they looked really good on her, and that Suri was not the only toddler who could pull off heels. I think this is one of my favorite pictures.
Then after church one day, she found my pumps I had worn earlier that morning. She decided they looked really good on her, and that Suri was not the only toddler who could pull off heels. I think this is one of my favorite pictures.
Lily does not only try to put on shoes, but she tries to put on any pair of pants or shorts that she finds.

And now for one of her FAVORITE things....her galoshes. The first time she wore them, she wasn't even sure she could walk in them (Ashlee had to hold her hands and walk her around the room!). But now she puts them on practically every time she sees them. It doesn't matter if they are on the right feet or not, she is very proud to be wearing them. Now my problem is she will probably outgrow them soon, so I better have another pair ready for her.
And now for one of her FAVORITE things....her galoshes. The first time she wore them, she wasn't even sure she could walk in them (Ashlee had to hold her hands and walk her around the room!). But now she puts them on practically every time she sees them. It doesn't matter if they are on the right feet or not, she is very proud to be wearing them. Now my problem is she will probably outgrow them soon, so I better have another pair ready for her.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Road Trip
David and I decided to take a family vacation to the mountains of North Carolina to visit his grandpa and his wife. This is a trip we have wanted to take for a while. David hasn't seen them since 2003, and I hadn't since the year before. We were able to plan our trip so we would be able to go to David's family reunion in Alabama on the way home.
We set off on Tuesday afternoon after David got off work. We drove until we got to Mobile, AL. We attempted to stop a couple of times, but all of the hotels were booked. We ended up a few hours away almost to Montgomery. To put it in perspective...we stopped in Mobile at 11:00 and I don't think we found a hotel room until 1:30 or so. Lily was awake when we hit Mobile, but she was asleep by the time we got to the hotel. She was back awake when we got to the room, but she did not want to go back to sleep. David and I got into bed, and expected Lily to go to sleep soon...we were WRONG! She did not want to go to bed in the pack n play, so I picked her up to go to bed in the bed with us. This ended up waking her up even more. She played with David most of the night, and she kept giving him lots and lots of kisses. David let me get some sleep because I was going to drive in the morning, and he can sleep in the car pretty easily. So Lily stayed up all night, but as soon as we got in the car this happened!

That's right, she fell fast asleep. How nice was that for her! At least it gave us some quiet time in the car. She ended up sleeping until we stopped for lunch where she got her first happy meal. She loved the chicken nuggets, and they worked so well for her eating in the car.

We got to David's grandpa's house Wednesday evening, and we spent the evening hanging out on their patio and then had dinner. The next day we went to the Cherokee reservation. There they had a bear park where you can feed the bears they have. It was so neat. The bears were hilarious, they begged for food so much.

Then for $3 you could go and feed baby bears. It was so funny, we fed them lucky charms and some little bear food. When we first went in the room one of the bears swatted the food cup out of my hand. Thankfully it hit the cup or I would have been in trouble. Here are a couple of pictures of us feeding the bears.

The next day David and his grandpa went to play golf. David had so much fun playing on the course he played so many times when he was younger (even though it has changed quite a bit). Marilyn, Lily, and I went down to town and did a little bit of shopping. It was so nice to have a relaxing day.

Later that night, we went into town by ourselves and ate dinner and did a bit of shopping. Here is a picture of the storm that came in that night.

We has such a wonderful time in the mountains. Despite all the driving, it was such a relaxing trip. We can't wait to go back and visit Maggie Valley again. It is neat for me to spend time where David spent such a large part of his childhood.
We set off on Tuesday afternoon after David got off work. We drove until we got to Mobile, AL. We attempted to stop a couple of times, but all of the hotels were booked. We ended up a few hours away almost to Montgomery. To put it in perspective...we stopped in Mobile at 11:00 and I don't think we found a hotel room until 1:30 or so. Lily was awake when we hit Mobile, but she was asleep by the time we got to the hotel. She was back awake when we got to the room, but she did not want to go back to sleep. David and I got into bed, and expected Lily to go to sleep soon...we were WRONG! She did not want to go to bed in the pack n play, so I picked her up to go to bed in the bed with us. This ended up waking her up even more. She played with David most of the night, and she kept giving him lots and lots of kisses. David let me get some sleep because I was going to drive in the morning, and he can sleep in the car pretty easily. So Lily stayed up all night, but as soon as we got in the car this happened!
That's right, she fell fast asleep. How nice was that for her! At least it gave us some quiet time in the car. She ended up sleeping until we stopped for lunch where she got her first happy meal. She loved the chicken nuggets, and they worked so well for her eating in the car.
We got to David's grandpa's house Wednesday evening, and we spent the evening hanging out on their patio and then had dinner. The next day we went to the Cherokee reservation. There they had a bear park where you can feed the bears they have. It was so neat. The bears were hilarious, they begged for food so much.
The next day David and his grandpa went to play golf. David had so much fun playing on the course he played so many times when he was younger (even though it has changed quite a bit). Marilyn, Lily, and I went down to town and did a little bit of shopping. It was so nice to have a relaxing day.
Later that night, we went into town by ourselves and ate dinner and did a bit of shopping. Here is a picture of the storm that came in that night.
We has such a wonderful time in the mountains. Despite all the driving, it was such a relaxing trip. We can't wait to go back and visit Maggie Valley again. It is neat for me to spend time where David spent such a large part of his childhood.
World's Worst Blogger
I feel like such a terrible blogger. It's not hard to put up a new post, but for some reason I have been putting it off for at least a month. In this time we have done so many fun things, and I can't believe I haven't posted any of it. So bear with me. I'm going to go back in time and blog about the exciting and fun things our family has done since my last post. My goal is to get everything done by tomorrow...we will see how this goes :)
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