
Friday, November 5, 2010

Lily's new chair

Lily received a new addition to her chair collection, a wooden rocker from Cracker Barrel. I swear this little girl has every type of chair imaginable, except maybe a recliner, and I wouldn't be surprised if she got one eventually.

Every time I have gone to visit my family in the past months, we seem to always go eat at Cracker Barrel. Ever since the first time we have visited Lily has been fascinated with their rocking chairs. She always runs over, finds the kid's chairs, climbs in, and starts to rock.

Each time we went I was hopeful they would have a natural wooden rocker. For those not familiar with their rockers they have four different types of chairs: a wooden version and a wicker version, each coming in natural stain and white. I wanted Lily to have a natural wooden one because I thought it would hold up the best, but they never seemed to have any in stock. So finally the last time we went in, my mom decided she would just order Lily a chair. It was originally purchased as a Christmas gift, but as soon as my mom got the call it was in, she brought it right over!

Lily LOVES her chair! She gets in it and watches Yo Gabba Gabba, Sesame Street, or whatever other show happens to be on. She even likes to put her stuffed owl in it and rock him.

Here are a couple of pictures from when Lily got her chair.

so excited!

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