First I just wanted to put a cute picture of Lily up. She loves these glasses that came with a Yo Gabba Gabba toy, and I finally was able to get a picture with her wearing them. This picture makes me laugh everytime I see it. I think this really captures her personality.
David went to Tulsa for 4 days a few weeks ago, so one of the days I went down to Friendswood to hang out with my family. We went to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Kelly's. I know, I'm an old person, but I love home cooking. For those of you who have never been to Kelly's, I believe the full name is Kelly's Country Cookin' and it is usually busiest at 5:00pm mostly with those who draw Social Security. I figured it was time for Lily to be properlly introduced to this restaurant. So the picture below is her enjoying their wonderful mashed potatoes. I think she ate my serving plus some of my dads...needless to say there were potatoes EVERYWHERE!!
I also went down to Friendswood last week, to help my family pack up some of my grandmother's house. We currently have her house on the market, so we have been trying to fix it up so hopefully it will sell faster. In order for my mom and I to get lots of work done, Lily had to be entertained. I ended up bringing my portable dvd player with episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba. I wasn't sure how she would take to it, but she LOVED it! Right after it started playing she laid down on the ground to watch the show. (below is the picture) I am constantly amazed at how grown up Lily is becoming.
At the end of June, David and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. Thanks to some wonderful friends, we were able to go out to eat baby free! We had a wonderful dinner at the Melting Pot, and we got about 2 peaceful hours to ourselves. I can't believe 4 years have already passed, and it's crazier to me that we have been together for a total of 8 years! In such a short amount of time we have had so many wonderful things happen to us, and I am looking forward to seeing what else the future has in store for us.
The weekend after our anniversary, we traveled to Austin to celebrate my sister's best friend, Molly's wedding. My mom and Ashlee had gone there earlier in the week, so my dad, David, Lily, and I headed there Friday night. Ashlee was the maid of honor in the wedding, and she asked me to do her hair for the wedding. I had previously done her hair for another of her friend's wedding, but all I did for that was straighten it and pull part of it up. This time she wanted curly hair! For those who don't know my sister, she has the thickest hair I have ever seen...I swear her pony tail is like 2 in in diameter. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do, but after an hour of curling her hair, I think I got it to look very pretty.
The next few pictures are from the wedding. We had such a great time. Lily enjoyed dancing the most! She loved running around the dance floor. Oh! and we learned how much of a ham our daughter really is...she was out dancing with her Auntie, and one of the photographers took a picture of her. She immediately stoped dancing, turned around, and posed for the camera. Then 2 of the photographers and one videographer were standing in a group. Lily walked over right into the center of the group and posed for them to take her picture! Oh Lordy, we are in trouble...I think this girl is going to be a handful.
On our way back from Austin, we stopped by to visit my grandmother. Lily decided to play peek-a-boo with her. This time she played by putting her head on the ground and then popping up. It was hilarious, and my grandmother loved it. She even went over and gave her great-grandmother a kiss which made her day! I was so glad we were able to go by and spend some time with her.
On the 4th we headed to the Red, Hot, and Blue festival in the Woodlands. We had such a great time, even though it was a teeny bit warm out. We had planned to stay for the fireworks, and even had a prime spot on top of a parking garage, but at around 8 we decided to go home. Lily and the two of us were hot and tired, and I didn't think we could last another hour/hour and a half.
Finally, on the 5th, we headed down to Friendswood to watch the 4th of July parade. Due to the 4th falling on a sunday, the parade was moved to Monday. We had a fun time at the parade. Lily really wasn't into watching the parade until the horses came by...which she called pup pup...I guess they kind of look like a big dog :)
Lily watch YGG at the parade before it starts
That's all we've been up to so far. I will hopefully be a bit more on top of my blogging over the next couple of weeks.
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