
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Since I've already talked about the good tonight, I thought it would be fitting to document the bad and the ugly that also happened.  I don't have picture proof, but I think you may be thankful for that.  I wanted to make sure I wrote this story down because as bad as it is, I don't want to forget it.  Here was my afternoon:

Lily and I were hanging out in my bedroom.  I was on the phone with Ashlee, when I look over and see black Sharpie ALL over Lily's face and left arm.  I honestly don't know how she always seems to find the permanent markers, where are the Crayola markers when I need them.  Needless to say, I quickly hung up the phone and swept Lily up to take a bath.  I cleaned off the marker and put her in the tub to wash off.  She loves playing in the tub, and since we didn't have anything else to do, I let her play for a little while.  All of the sudden I hear Lily freaking out.  I look in the tub and Lily has pooped in the tub.  Ugh!  She seriously was very confused as to how it got there, and even took it upon herself to try and remove it.  Great.  I pulled her out of the tub.  When I did this, she looked down in between her legs, and looked like she had no idea what had happened.  Then I cleaned the tub, and had to restart a bath to rewash Lily.  This time the bath was much shorter with, thankfully, no accidents.

Next came nap time.  Lily was in no mood to take a nap.  Which is really uncharacteristic of my child. Oh well, she could just have some quiet time while I did some stuff around the house.  When I went in to get her up, so we could get ready to go, she had completely disrobed and peed in the bed.  This is really not too out of the ordinary, but combined with every thing else that had happened today, I was not in the mood. 

My child is now very clean, and has a clean bed.

I swear when you are a parent you have to laugh at moments like this or you will seriously go crazy.

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