
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Little Me Time

In my blog, I usually try and tell stories of fun things we have done, which focus mainly on Lily, but today I'm going to brag a bit on myself.

After seeing the amazing results of my parents and sister, I decided to join in the diet/lifestyle change they were a part of. I started my new eating lifestyle on October 18, and I am proud to say that I have lost 12.3 pounds since then. I am only 6.5 pounds away from my 4-6 month goal! I am in awe of how easy it has been, and how much better I feel about myself. I no longer dread getting dressed, and I actually feel like I look good. I probably am close to the weight I was when I got married, but unfortunately my body changed quite a bit with pregnancy...so I'm not quite the jean size I was back then. And the best part! I now weigh less than David!!!!

I couldn't have done any of this with out my amazing family. I am so proud of all of us!


  1. way to go!!! i am so looking forward to getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight & maybe even less!! keep up the great work!

  2. That's awesome Blair!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
